
Showing posts from November, 2020

Predict the things – Earn the Points

The future is past, says the chorus of a song by the group Trending Tropics, and as we enter a new decade, they seem to be right. The future that we now envision is radically different from that of just a few decades ago. Our political certainties are diluted from meme to meme, our dystopias are climatic, and indolently we see all the prequels on the news. While we can distinguish the replicants by making them point out traffic lights or zebra crossings in a photographic mosaic, we give them our data, our genes, and our biometrics to the film's villains. You can know about the  best movies on Netflix . In the marketing field, you can participate in the  NIFTY Prediction . As the nostalgic would say, the future is not what it used to be ...another reality has already caught us. You can participate in  UK Opinion Polls  or the  Israel Opinion Polls . It changes our idea of ​​the future, and with it, our references, aspirations, plans, fears change. And to help us build a new wise ima